Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Crafty Rat Owners DIY Facebook Group

Rats and Do-It-Yourself projects go hand in hand. Many commercial rat toys/accessories are expensive, often unsafe for the animal they are intended for, often sized wrong, and tend not to last long. Ordinary household items/recyclables often work just as well or better with a little craftiness and a creative mind.

There is now a Facebook group for sharing your own DIY projects, whether you just want to share what you've made or share tutorials showing how to make them: Crafty Rat Owners DIY Facebook Group.

This is a great place to find new ideas for adorning your cage and for learning to make things you would have never thought of on your own. It is also a good community for sharing what you have done with other like-minded rat owners. The group includes everything from sewing projects, to crafts, woodworking, cage building - anything that you make yourself for the good of your ratties.

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