Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jeremy Is Recovering Post Neuter

Jeremy Chillin' in his Igloo the Day after his Neuter

Jeremy's neuter went off yesterday without a hitch. He is safe and comfy at home, with the top half of the Critter Nation all to himself as his hospital cage. He has one low-hanging hammock, an igloo stuffed with fleece, a litter box, and a food dish. His liner/fleece/hammock gets changed daily, as does the litter box.

He is eating fine and having normal bowel movements, and while he seems to want to hide in the igloo for a while, he was pretty spry and active when he came out for his breakfast. His neuter incision looks good.

In the mean time, Burt, Hammie, and Ruby have been confined to the lower level, where they are enjoying a little peace and quiet.

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