Friday, July 24, 2015

Rest in Peace, Burt

It is always difficult for me to write these posts. Memorials always come up short of describing the rat we lost.

Burt was a very special boy. He was a great people rat and he really enjoyed life. He was a fighter, not letting his cancer get the better of him for most of the time he was ill. Even when he injured a leg and it became infected because of the steroid, he still sought to make the most of every day, despite his impaired mobility.

Burt's love of popcorn made these Christmas pictures possible.

He took beautiful pictures - you could always see the smile in his face. He was happy to be here and happy to have rattie and people friends around him. He loved food and was a master hoarder. I always knew that when he refused his favorite foods, it would be time to let him go.

Burt's last photo shoot on the 4th of July

Last Friday was that time. He wasn't eating and he was having difficulty just existing. His head bobbed up and down with every breath. I could tell he was miserable. He had experienced a bad spell earlier in the week, but he bounced back somewhat for a few days. When I saw him on Friday morning, I knew it was time to let him go peacefully. We had him put to sleep at our vets office at 11am on Saturday, July 17th.

Rest in Peace, Sweet Boy Burt. Play hard at the bridge. Your girls Bela, Ruby, and Jo are all waiting for you to join them, along with your first buddy from your original home, Ernie. You are truly missed.

Jeremy cuddling up with Burt on his last day.

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