We went with the 125 gallon size, available only in dark green, which comes on a roll that is just shy of 18" wide. In a Midwest Critter Nation, one roll will cover a main level and one shelf - so one roll is sufficient for a single unit. Two rolls are needed to cover a Dual Critter Nation. Then one would likely need a second set to use while the first set is being cleaned and left to dry.
The liner needs to be cut to size, which is easy to do - especially if you have a rotary cutter set (used for quilting, but also used by many who make hammock sets for cutting perfectly straight lines). We cut ours to fit the inside of the trays (so the lips of the trays are not covered). This could potentially lead to chewing of the tray sides, but our current rats are not big plastic chewers.

Because the liner comes in a roll, it has a tendency to curl. We were able to get most pieces to lie flat, just by placing the normal cage accessories on top (huts, litter boxes, ramps, food dishes, ets). Large binder clips (2" x 1") can be used to clamp the liner to the tray if curling persists. I am guessing that with use, the liners will flatten out, but only time will tell. We will report back on that in a future post.

Supposedly, the product can be cleaned by rinsing with cold tap water. We plan to clean ours by either laying it in the shower for a while, or soaking in a tub, or hosing off outside. It then can by layed flat or hung to dry. When odor-reducing properties begin to fail, the product will need to be replaced. We will report how long the liners last for us when we have that information.
The product is made from recycled materials, making it an eco-friendly option for lining a cage. It looks nice, trim, and neat, but only comes in green at this size. At other sizes, it comes in a tannish brown color. Pet stores carry this product, but we have not seen the 125 gallon size at our stores - we had to buy ours online. I do miss the brightly covered fleece lining the trays - they always made the cage pop with color and look especially nice when coordinated with the hammock design.
Zilla Liner: Initial Impressions Summary
Pros | Cons | Unknowns |
Easy to Cut to Fit | Only come in green or tan | How long will they last? |
Neat, thin, and tidy | Not as soft as fleece | How well will it control odors? |
Heavy, discourages burroughing | Will it be chewed? | |
Easy to replace and clean | ||
Absorbant material. |
In a few days, we will install these liners in the Martin's cage as well, to see how well they work in a wire cage with wire levels.
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