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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Homemade Rat Treats

I recently tried the Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Cookies recipe from the RatsRule website. I have a book of recipes for healthy dog treats, but I never make them, because they always call for strange/exotic ingredients. I really like this recipe because the ingredients are simple, and most I had already on hand: peanut butter, banana, rolled oats, whole wheat flour, and a little sugar and cinnamon.

I followed the instructions on the website and ended up with a dough that looks like this:

I then rolled them out and cut them into tiny, bite sized pieces and baked as instructed. The recipe yielded enough treats to fill a baking sheet, and I added a couple rods for the dogs to try.
The whole process took just a few minutes to combine the ingredients and less than 10 minutes to bake. Once cooled, I served to our ratties (and dogs) and the verdict was unanimous: Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal cookies are yummy! Everyone got one and I stored the remainder in a zipper lock storage bag for later.


  1. What are the ingredients?

    1. You can download a healthy rat recipe from Etsy here:

  2. Ratties love them and I ate some too! Yum!!

  3. I made these treats but used homemade applesauce instead of banana and it worked out really well! I didn't measure it out and just added until I felt it was an appropriate amount, but I'd say I probably used about 1/2 cup for anyone who wants specifics!

  4. i thougt rats couldnt have to much peanut butter

    1. I'm not positive but I think I remember reading that the problem with feeding your rats peanut butter is the consistency and the choking hazard not so much the ingredients. But if you wanted to be extra careful I'm sure you could use organic peanut butter that doesn't have the added sugars, salts and fats ��

    2. Rats can have peanut butter if it's in a recipe or in a product.The main issue with peanut butter is that it's thick and can cause your rats to choke.but it is fine in this recipe.

    For a recipe you can download to make healthy heat treats.
